Samāʿ: Ein Gedicht und eine Klaviermelodie zum Gedächtnis der Tradition.
Author: Vincent Vaessen
Works in refugee and youth welfare, former student of Iranian Studies, avid music collector, podcast listener, Linux and free software enthousiast.
Triptychon: Unter dem Rauch
Drei Sonette über die Dächer der Seelenschmiede, die wir Stadt nennen.
Gedanken über Fremdsein und Rastlosigkeit.
A look back and ahead
A few editorial musings about the past and future of the Digital Toolbox for Iranian Studies, upcoming changes and plans.
How Amazon capitalizes on problematic notebooks, an epiphenomenon of the digital commodification of ‘the East’, with xenophobic and war-glorifying items not far around the corner.
A review of „Words of Power. Ḥurūfī teachings between Shiʿism and Sufism in medieval Islam. The original doctrine of Faḍl Allāh Astarābādī“.
Eine Rezension zu “Words of Power. Ḥurūfī teachings between Shiʿism and Sufism in medieval Islam. The original doctrine of Faḍl Allāh Astarābādī”.
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